Pros and Cons of Technology in education and Teacher need to Know


Pros and Cons of Technology in education and Teacher need to Know 

Pros and Cons of technology in education and how it creates Positive and Negative effects on the student's life. Students need to learn about technology.

Pros of Technology in education: 

Technology has become unbreakable in our life. Without technology, we can’t expect our life. This technology has not become a part of our life but also our children's life. We see the real effect of technology on our student’s life during the pandemic period. When the lock down occurred and everyone was shuttled down in their homes. It was a harsh time for all of us. In this period technology helped us a lot. Every parent was worried about their children's future. At that time technology helped us a lot. The government conducted online classes for our children and it was beneficial for them. For understanding the Pros of technology in education we need to look at some Points.


Here are Some Points Pros of the Technology:

  1. It Increases commutation skills: Through the technology students can increase their commutation skills. During the lock down when every student starts feeling lonely these online classes helped them a lot. Through the internet, they connected with their friends and teachers. It has become simple for teachers to interact with each student face to face. In this process, the students get the chance to open up and feel friendly with their friends & teachers. 
  2. It Increases the learning Skill: We know that learning makes a person better. Everyone is a learner in the world. The other meaning of education is learning. In the whole life of education students are only the learner but now the way of learning has become a little bit different. Now, technology made student's life a little simple. Before students were dependent on the teacher for their knowledge it was good but it was a short period but the internet worked 24/7 or 365 days. Whenever students start facing doubts they can take help from the internet. Nearly every student has a personal tablet, desktop, laptop, or smartphone. These things also made the students' life simple because students now take the knowledge from the internet and we know that the internet work through these gadgets
  3. Manage the Student's Records: Technology made managing the records simple. It was difficult to manage the records in the files because most of the time we lost or missed the files. Now, we have a computer where we can save students' records. Saving the records on the computer is a long-term process.


Cons of technology in education

Here we talk about the cons of technology in education. We agree that technology made the student's life simple but it has some cons that create some difficulty in the student’s life. After taking knowledge of the cons of technology in education. We can make batter future plains for our children and they will also take the education in the right way.

Here are Some Cons of Technology in education:

  1. Expensive Learning: Technology has changed our time. Students used to buy simple things related to their education such as Pens, Books, etc. Now, the technology introduces new devices related to the student's needs. Our education system becoming digital. It’s wanted that every student has a laptop or desktop with the fast internet speed but it is not possible especially in our country because, in our country, not every student belongs to a rich family or background. So, it’s simply that not every student can afford the gadgets. Students spend more money to buy these gadgets. Many times it is out of their budget but they have to buy these gadgets for a better education. It made education expensive for the students. 
  2. It made Students Confused: Using technology is not a simple task. Students get confused in many ways while using technology. Not every student in our country is familiar with the technology. Students get confused while using the internet because the internet is full of information. They get confused about what information they have to take and what information they have to skip. Many students don’t know how to operate the gadgets. This thing also made them confused. 
  3. Students can do Cheating: Cheating with the technology has become easier in this world. Students also using the technology in the wrong way. Most of the students don’t study during the exam. They try to take the help of the gadgets. They used these gadgets for the wrong purpose. Most of the students are not dependent on their hard work. They used to take the shortcut. They are depending on these gadgets. In this way the technology harming our student's life or our education system also.

Pros of technology in health care

Technology is a boom for the healthcare sector. In the past, everything did with the pen and on the notebook but time has changed things are done with the technology. Now, we are using a computer or laptop to save the data. Not even the computers or laptops many more technology has been introduced by the scientists for our health care sector. There are many more technologies that are helping the patients in different ways and also decreasing the workload of the doctors. Technology has given a new shine to the health care sector. Now, we see some Pros of technology in the health care sector.

Here are some Pros of Technology in Health care:

  1. 3D Service in healthcare: 3D service is recently introduced in the healthcare sector. When things come in the medical field it creates a huge implement. Now, doctors are using this technology for surgery and also for the perfect matching limbs for extra comfort and mobility. 
  2. Artificial Organ in health care: Artificial Organ is a huge advantage for the medical field. In the past when someone lost their body parts the medical team couldn't do something in the replace of that body parts. But now, it is possible. If you are thinking that the patients will get the same body parts in replacement for the body parts that he/she lost. So, you are wrong. It is an artificial organ that is made up of iron or steel and behaves like a machine but it will give good support and new life to the patients.
  3. Fitness in health care: Technology is changing the thinking of our society. Now, our world is running fast. No one has the time to take care of their body because everyone is busy in their work. With the help of technology now people take care of their health. Now, we have smartwatches that can remind us about our ill health because of this technology people start taking out time for running, exercising, and many more physical activities. People are now becoming more health-conscious.


Cons of Technology in Health care.

We know that technology improves our health sector a lot but it has some invisible faults. These faults damage our health sector slowly-slowly. We know that everything deserves money. If you have this you can get good medical health care. If you belong to the poor class so, it is hard that you can get good medical treatment because we know that technology has been introduced for our benefit but we can take the advantage of these technologies if we have money in our hands. Now, it’s time to focus on some cons of technology in health care. 

Here are the Cons of Technology In Health Care:


  1. Technology is costly in health care: Technology improves our life a lot but it is reality that only high-class people are taking the advantage of this technology because we all know that this technology is costly and not affordable for the lower class people. This high cost of these technologies is causing damage in the health sector. In this way, technology is harming us. 
  2. Shows wrong information to Patients: It is one of the most common cons of technology that it shows the wrong information to the patients sometimes. It happens because of many things when someone hacked our computer or some virus entered into our computer but it creates some difficulty for the patients when we show the wrong results to the right patients. It is also one of the cons of technology.
  3. Time- Taking Recovery: We know that every recovery takes time but when we take the help of technology it takes more time because the machines that help in recovery are made by the engineers and patients have to go under lots of processors. This thing takes time and also be expensive.

Every field has two faces positive and negative. One side takes us up and the other side put us down. Technology doing the same thing with us. On one side it is giving us chance to move forward but on another side, it takes us down also. For managing the speed in the health and education sector we have to deal with both things. If we will capable to build a good relationship between these two things then this sector will give us a good result. You can also check How 5G will change this world and how will it create a difference in our life.


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