Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones & how they change our life.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones & how they change our life. Here, we learn about the Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone and how it is changing our life. Without focusing on these words we can’t change our life. Advantages of Mobile Phone. We all know that the mobile phone became an unbreakable part of our life. Now, most of the work is done by the smartphone. For example: Booking any tickets, Summit any bills, Online Shopping and many more. In this way, mobile phones reduce our workload and make us smarter. For understanding more advantages of mobile, we have to go to the past. The first mobile phone was launched on 3 April 1973y John F. b Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola . It was time we entered the smart world. Before, when mobile was not introduced to the people. The life of the people was miserable. Everything was done on its own. For sending the messages they used to take the help of the postman. For invit...